Okay, clearly I've been totally derelict in keeping up with my blog. But I have a very good reason. The thing that's been occupying my thoughts most for the past few months has been something I couldn't blog about. At least not until now. So, here's why I haven't been posting:

Yes, it's true! I am 20 weeks pregnant! I decided my blog did not need to include all the first trimester complaining, worrying and obsessing. But, lucky you, you will get to hear it for the rest of the pregnancy.
So, yesterday was our sonogram (also known as ultrasound). The tech was a bit crabby at the start, especially when March and June followed us into the room. But she warmed up to us after a bit. And proceeded to give my children a very nice anatomy lesson. They learned about the parts of the heart, all about blood flow into and out of the heart, about the brain, and of course, about gender anatomy. She refused to say the "P" word in front of the girls, but, yes, our baby most certainly has "boy parts"!
While I thought it would be great to have a boy after two girls, I admit that I've had a few other unexpected reactions to the news. First, I mourned just a teeny bit that we wouldn't be buying cute pink dresses for the baby. Then, I had a sudden panicky lack of self-confidence. What if all the things that I know I've done pretty well in raising my girls no longer applies to this boy? Can I expect anything to go the way it went for the girls? Okay, I'm calming back down now.
Good grief, now we just have to think of a name!