Thursday, August 7, 2008


I'm ashamed to admit this, but I'm a Webkinz addict! For those of you who don't know, Webkinz are small stuffed animals that come with a secret code attached to them. The secret code allows you access to a virtual world, where your "pet" becomes an animated resident. In this virtual world, you play games to earn "Kinzcash". The Kinzcash is used to buy rooms and furniture for your house, food and clothing for your pet, and other goodies.

It started out simply enough. My daughters tired of their account at Club Penguin because although much of it was free, the best things required a monthly paid membership. So they moved on to Webkinz. March received a koala that she named Koko. June got a monkey that she named Cheeky. And so it began. Soon enough, we'd all been sucked into it. I am now the proud owner of five Webkinz pets: a chocolate lab named Chip, a penguin named Dudley, a raccoon named Bandito, a pinto horse named Dottie, and a cow named Shirley. My husband even joined in, reluctantly at first, but now he's as addicted as the next person. He has a rabbit named James Bond, a penguin named Kopol, and a tiger named Lord Bubu. It would take me too long to list all my daughters' pets, but June has 19 and March has at least 15.

The latest addition? Grandpa adopted a black bear, named Blackie. March and June call him and have "playdates" with him!! They send each other virtual gifts for each other's pets!

Watch out, you might be next!

1 comment:

Olga said...

oh my lord! your dad is into it too? would have never pictured that happening :)