So, I'm proud to announce, that for my outstanding writing contribution to the blog community (cough, ahem, er, friendship with Olga), I have been honored with the Premio Arte Pico award.

It seems to originate in Uruguay, from this
blog, which I'm sure is quite a lovely blog, except that I don't speak Spanish so I have no idea what it says.
So, apparently, there are rules to these awards. Here are the rules:
1) Pick 5 blogs that you consider deserve this award, creativity, design, interesting material, and also contributes to the blogger community, no matter of language.
2) Advertise name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
3) Each award-winner, has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.
4) Award-winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of "Arte y pico" blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5) Share these rules.
So, as nice as the award is, the best part is that I get to pass it on to some of my favorite blogs, many of which I only lurk on (it's kind of awkward commenting on someone's blog the first time--I feel a bit like an intruder)
Shallow Gal makes me laugh so hard I cry/pee sometimes, and that's the nicest break in my otherwise boring day! Plus, she uses footnotes, how cool is that??
Where's My Cape is a complete, irreverant smart-ass too (and I say that with the utmost respect). Although she has so many awards already, she hardly needs this one. But what the heck, she cracks me up.
Vegan Lunch Box is a blogger who I truly admire. I am not vegan, and even if I were, I wouldn't have the time or patience to make these incredible little lunches for my kids (I consider myself SuperMom just for cookie-cutting their sandwiches into hearts on Valentine's Day), but I am in awe of people who make their child's lunch such a work of beauty. What a great way to encourage your children to treasure the earth's gifts.
Half-assed takes care of the other end of the cooking spectrum, and definitely more my style. There are some great ideas on here for quick, easy ways to throw something on the table that the kids won't secretly feed the dog.
Don't Take the Repeats was one of my favorite blogs for a long time. This is a posthumous award, since the poor lady was forced to shut down her blog by some nasty invader of her privacy. I will miss her.
Marinka is also one seriously funny Mom. In case my post-humous award doesn't count (since she can't post the award on her defunct blog), this is one of my newest favorites.
I'm one of your best friends? I'm touched!!!! :)
Thank you for the award! It will take me about a month to figure out how to post it on my blog and get the list of bloggers to bestow it upon, but rest assured that during that time, my ego will continue to grow until it becomes so huge that it will solve the energy crisis for this great country of ours.
Thank you so much. I'm honored!
Thank you!!!! You are too kind. Now, off to do more smart-assery. Is that a word? It should be.
I'd like to thank the academy and my kids. Wait, wrong speech.
Thanks for the award, and I'm honored to be in such fabulous company. Making someone laugh until they pee was one of my top goals in life, too.
xoxo, SG
I love anything regarding the topic of Shallow People. I certainly get my fill at
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