The girls did, in fact, have a great time splashing around on the beach and of course June ate all the seafood she could shove into her little mouth.

June is occasionally a wild child, and this was one of those times. She hurtled herself into the waves, not caring a bit when they knocked her to the ground. She just got up again, dug the sand out of the inside of her bikini, and went into them again. She even found herself a new boyfriend there:

Our son, however, is NOT a good traveler so far. First off, he absolutely cannot fall asleep in his car seat. So he was cranky and screaming most of the drive up and the drive back. Rather than making the driver (DH) stressed out from the constant screaming, I chose to hold B in the backseat for much of the drive.
Secondly, B found the sea air to be extremely appetite enhancing. In other words, he ate every two hours the entire time we were there. I fed him in the car, in restaurants, on the beach, in the hotel, and just about everywhere. This from someone who is not especially keen on revealing her boobs to the general public. And of course, every time I modestly covered myself and him with a blanket, he thought it was a fun game to take the blanket off!!
Finally, B didn't seem at all impressed with the beach itself. He did not smile or laugh at 1) toes in the sand, 2) looking at waves, 3) sitting on the sand while the waves approached, 4) entering the water while the waves splashed his legs and belly. Not that he cried or anything. Just didn't seem particularly amused. He did complain occasionally when the water didn't make it all the way to him, but that might have been coincidence.
We had to come home early so that March and June (and fortunately DH not me) could attend a Demi Lovato concert.

After a long bath, B felt much better: